A&S Security Services offers monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In case of emergency, an armed mobile patrol will be dispatched to inspect the residence and the premises. In case of fire, the incident will be reported to the fire service.
Since people tend to use cloth napkins and tablecloths during the holiday season, I’ve written several posts around that. Make sure you bookmark these and return to them in mid-late October. You’ll be so happy you already have the post bookmarked and can find it easily when you’re wondering how to remove that awful stain or how to prepare yourself for the holiday parties you’ll host. Preparing Your Table Linens for Holiday Parties – This post includes ideas and a small planning guide to prevent you from waiting until the last minute to get your holiday linens ready.
– Michael M. Soderquist
Protection for your family and property.
A&S Security Services offers monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In case of emergency, an armed mobile patrol will be dispatched to inspect the residence and the premises. In case of fire, the incident will be reported to the fire service.